Category: Productivity

Tips, how to guides, ideas, lists etc.

November 5, 2018 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

What if I told you that reading a book for 5 minutes a day could change your life? What if you knew that reading affects tremendously your physical and mental health in a positive way? And what if I told you that there is scientific research which concluded that reading a book reduces your stress…

November 5, 2018 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

We can be very innovative in discovering excuses for putting off until tomorrow, next week, next month or even until new year’s eve what we could do today. Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task by postponing or delaying it. It is acceptable to procrastinate once in a while -we are humans after all-…

October 28, 2018 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

How many times have you felt inspired or motivated in doing something that will change your life? And how many of those times did you actually do something about it? There is a big chance that you took no action other than watching was thoughts fading away, simply because you didn’t know where to start…

July 29, 2018 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

What is goal setting? According to wikipedia “Goal setting involves the development of an action plan designed to motivate and guide a person or group toward a goal“. If you have not already read my previous article on how to find your vision in life, I would recommend that you do so. If you are a beginner…

July 21, 2018 Georgios Grigorakis 1 comment

Affirmations are a great tool for motivation and inspiration. It takes a lot of practice and time in order to start seeing the benefits of it to our lives. Experimentation is quite often among people and I am not an exception. I have created this video which contains 20 common affirmations (meaning that they are…

July 21, 2018 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

Life’s vision is a term that we encounter more and more often nowadays. But do we really know what it is? Stress and routine drive people into comfort zones of boredom, repetition, stagnation and mediocrity, preventing them from seeing the sea of possibilities which can turn their lives into a mixer of vivid colors, adventure…

July 15, 2018 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

People of the 21st century struggle more and more to follow the rhythm of modern society. It looks as if they are trapped in an infinite time loop, between work, bills, loans, deadlines and uncertainty, submerging in destinations of seemingly no return where even hope appears to be not the last one to die.. Each…

June 11, 2018 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

Όλοι μας λίγο πολύ, έχουμε αναρωτηθεί ανά τακτά χρονικά διαστήματα, τί είναι αυτό που κάνουμε λάθος και δεν μπορούμε να βάλουμε στην άκρη κάποια χρήματα για ένα έκτακτο γεγονός ή για την απόκτηση ενός αγαθού ή υπηρεσίας. Σε αυτό το άρθρο περιγράφονται 13 συνήθειες ανθρώπων που έχουν καταφέρει να απολαμβάνουν τη ζωή χωρίς να χρωστούν αυτή…

June 4, 2018 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

Όχι. Δεν πρόκειται περί χιονοπόλεμου. Αν και πολλοί από εμάς αισθανόμαστε πως είμαστε σε κάποιο είδος πολέμου με τις δόσεις και τους λογαριασμούς, το παρόν άρθρο δεν σκοπεύει να αναπτύξει τεχνικές πολέμου. Απεναντίας, σκοπό έχει την ανακωχή στην καθημερινή μάχη που δίνουμε για να εξοφλήσουμε τα χρέη μας. Η μέθοδος της χιονόμπαλας (snowball), είναι μία…

May 28, 2018 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

Οι απαιτήσεις και οι ανάγκες της σύγχρονης ζωής, οδηγούν πολλές φορές στο καταφύγιο του εύκολου δανεισμού, με όλα τα δυσάρεστα επακόλουθα που προξενούνται από τη συσσώρευση χρεών, τα οποία μπορούν κάποια στιγμή να γιγαντωθούν τόσο όσο χρειάζεται, ώστε να πάρουν τον πλήρη έλεγχο της ζωής μας. Για εσένα λοιπόν που αισθάνεσαι ότι η ζωή σου…