Tag: success

November 7, 2019 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

I am pretty sure that at least once in your life you have tried to answer the rhetorical question “Which came first? The chicken or the egg?” I have the tendency to believe that the chicken came first. Don’t ask me why. I just cannot believe that an egg appeared out of the blue. In…

September 22, 2019 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

Are you afraid to fail? Does the thought of failure cause a shiver down your spine? What if you knew that it is okay to fail? Would you then stand in front of an audience delivering a speech? Would you write that book that you keep postponing for ages? Would you quit your energy-draining job…

March 31, 2019 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

How can you eat an elephant? The answer is “one bite at a time“. Oftentimes in our endeavour to fulfill our dreams we come across many elephants. They are the challenges and obstacles that life puts on our way. It was only a few years ago when I realized that I should not take for…

March 10, 2019 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

Have you ever wondered, why some of us are so organised while some of us not so much? Why some people like to show off instead of staying in the background? Or vise versa. Why certain people find pleasure in helping others instead of looking only their own benefit? There is an easy test called…

February 1, 2018 Georgios Grigorakis 6 comments

 Little did I know, that this saying from Pythagoras -one of the greatest greek philosophers ever lived- would perfectly apply after 2500 years, to my decision about opening my newborn blog to the public. I have so many ideas, personal experiences, questions, answers, fears, thoughts, challenges, quizzes and so forth to share with you, that it…