The DOPE Test – Discover your personality type

March 10, 2019 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

Have you ever wondered, why some of us are so organised while some of us not so much?
Why some people like to show off instead of staying in the background? Or vise versa.
Why certain people find pleasure in helping others instead of looking only their own benefit?

There is an easy test called DOPE which groups people into 4 personality types each one given a bird’s name because it is easier to relate to an object than a descriptive word.

The test consists of a number of questions that you have to answer with a yes or no. At the end of the test you will know which your dominant personality type is.

It might be that you will have a high score in more than one personality types.
That simply means that you have many traits and a more comprehensive type.

As part of my personal Life Coaching Program for Goal Setting, I have created an excel file that you can download here.

Knowing who you are is the first step in setting your goals because it will allow you to understand if a goal relates to your character or not.

Personally, I am an Owl trying to be always methodical, perfectionist, analytical and logical.
I avoid taking big risks because I feel like a fish out of the water.
My personality prevents me from taking actions that I am not sure about the outcome.

But what about you? Take the test and find out. You will be amazed what you will discover about yourself.

I would love to know what kind of personality you are. Are you an Owl like me? If not what are you?

Leave a comment below and met me know.

Thank you.

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